Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Eurasian lynx

Eurasian Lynx
One of Europe's largest predators
Common Name: Eurasian lynx; Lynx d'Eurasie (Fr); Lince europeo (Sp)
Scientific Name: Lynx lynx
Habitat: Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests, Boreal Forest
Population: Below 50,000 mature breeding individuals
The Eurasian lynx is one of the widest ranging of all cat species. It was once distributed through Russia, central Asia and Europe. The lynx reached its lowest number between 1930 and 1950 as a consequence of human activities. Whereas the minimum number from different populations (all summed up at their lowest ebb) for the whole of Europe once was approximately 700, today about 7,000 to 8,000 individuals survive. The lynx has a continuous population in Nordic countries and small, scattered populations in central and Western Europe.

The first review of lynx in Europe was produced in 1968 for IUCN and WWF.

Friday, September 12, 2008

plants too!!!

• VENUS FLYTRAPS are insectivorous plants. They feed on insects for proteinous nutrition. Insects are trapped when the two lobes of the leaf snap shut.
• SILVERSWORDS are gorgeous plants. They live on the volcanic islands of Hawaii. They are threatened by introduced goats.
• KNOWLTON CACTI are among the world’s rarest cacti. Their unique feature is that cactus shrinks back into the ground for part of the year.
• NEW ZEALAND brush lilies are eaten by introduced possums.
• DAWN REDWOODS were thought to have been destroyed totally. They have been rediscovered in China.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

save them!!

• LOGGERHEAD TURTLE is a large headed turtle of the warm seas. The distinguishing feature of this species is the pattern of scutes between the eyes. The pattern on its head and limbs is of great aesthetic beauty.
• QUEEN ALEXANDRA’S BIRDWINGS live only in Papua New Guinea. They are among the world’s largest butterflies. They have dark but eminent colours and patterns.
• PRZEWALSKI’S HORSES are extinct in the wild. Fortunately, the captive bred animals have been reintroduced. These horses are stubby, have furry hides and are relatively shorter than other breeds.
• KAKAPOS are nocturnal, flightless birds. They are endemic to New Zealand. They are preyed on by introduced rats and stoats.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

they die everyday!!!

• WHITE RHINOES are another endangered species which have largely become a rarity. They are hunted for their horns. Their horns have a peculiar unique tapering cone shape.
• DUGONGS live in tropical oceans where they feed on sea grass. They have a characteristic prehensile upper lip. They are present in the Malay seas.
• BLUE WHALES are the largest mammals ever to have lived reaching a length of 30 metres, to say 100 feet or more. Around 50 % of their population has been swept off.
• ISLAND FOX is a native of the Californian Channel islands, USA. Its scientific name is Urocyon littoralis. It has extremely keen observation and highly sensitive ears.
• CALIFORNIA CONDOR is among the largest living birds. Its wingspan may reach 2.7 metres, around 9 feet. It resembles a vulture and has the behaviour of a falcon. It inhabits forested rocky mountainous regions of high altitude.

Monday, August 25, 2008


  • GRIZZLY BEARS stand 3 metres, approx 10 feet high. They are the largest and most powerful of the animals living in the Yellowstone National Park.
  • WAPITIS live in the forests of Yellowstone. They are larger than the red deer of Eurasia, but their behaviour is similar. Forests are their home. The males use their antlers to fight.
  • SAGE GROUSE are the most spectacular of the North American grouse. When displaying, the male struts around vibrating his wings and emits a booming sound. When displaying, the male lifts his tail into a fan.
  • PHOEBUS butterflies are huge butterflies on the decline. They appear in the Rockies in mid summer. Their wingspan reaches 9 cm, that is around 3.5 inches.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


The "big five" are not Earth's only extinctions but they have been the most devastating.
Fossils of marine animals indicate that each event wiped out at least 17 percent of families.
(A family such as canids can have thousands of species.) Scientists are still puzzling over
what caused the big five-climate change,perhaps caused by cosmic impacts,is a leading
suspect-but experts agree that human kind has ignited the sixth.Mass extinction can last for
millennia,and it takes millions of years for new species to make up the loss.The animals
illustrated here represent what has already vanished and what could be next.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Global threat to Coral Reefs

Coral reefs thrive in the clear, shallow coastal waters of tropical seas. The reefs of southeast Asia-the world's richest-and those in the caribbean have suffered the greatest degradation.

when climatic extremes such as El Nino increase water temperature,symbiotic algae flee the corals' tissue. Without the algae,corals lose their color and a source of energy. Bleached,they may eventually die.

If sediment from storms and coastal development blocks sunlight,corals weaken and become vulnerable to infections such as deadly black band disease.If sewage or agricultural runoff promotes an increase in plankton and a consequent population explosion of crown-of-thorns sea stars.Death comes by predation. Adult sea stars feed mainly on corals.

the vanishing praire dog

seen both as vermin and as victims,black-tailed prairie dogs scan for predators in the south Dakota Badlands.Habitat destruction,shooting and poisoning-the method federal agents in Arizona used to exterminate this pyramid of dogs in the early 1900s-have eliminated the rodents from about 98 percent of their range.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Under the Threat of Extinction

Dinosaurs, saber toothed tigers and the dodo bird are famous examples of animals that have become extinct. In the case of the dinosaurs, it seems likely that an asteroid strike altered the global climate enough to lead to their disappearance. More recent extinctions and near-extinctions such as the blue whale, tiger, panda and the North American bison-resulted directly from human activity. Many species have become extinct without revealing their potential value. Each one is a storehouse of natural genetic and biochemical resources that cannot be replaced.

Lemurs are found only on the tropical island of Madagascar of the east coast of Africa. Rainforest clearance and hunting have taken their toll and only 30 of their original 45 species survive.

Habitat loss is the most important cause of extinction. As land is cleared for farming and urban expansion, habitats such as rainforests and grasslands disappear. In East Africa, few wild animals survive outside the boundaries of national parks and game reserves. In other parts of the world, coastal ecosystems are cleared for development. Some species are more vulnerable to extinction than others. A specialised habitat or diet restricts a species to certain locations or foods, especially if it feeds at the upper level of food chains.

The black rhino was once widespread in central and southern Africa. Since the 1970’s has plunged from as many 30,000 to fewer 3000-a result of poaching for its horn. Rhinoceros horn is used in traditional medicine throughout much of Asia and in ceremonial daggers in Yemen.

Species with low rates of reproduction, such as blue whale, whooping cranes and giant pandas, may not breed fast enough to keep up with any increase in their death rate, or to keep their populations large enough to avoid inbreeding, which weakens the gene pool and eventually leads to extinction. Large species, such as African lions, elephants and grizzly bears, used to be hunted for sport.

The Last Tasmanian Wolf

The largest marsupial carnivores, Tasmanian wolves in Australia and New Guinea in prehistoric times, but by the 19th century they were found only in Tasmania; competition with the dingo may have eliminated them in Australia.
The last Tasmanian wolf died in captivity in 1936.

Animals that prey on livestock or attack humans, such as wolves and some crocodiles are often persecuted. Birds of prey and otters were persecuted because they were believed to attack sport species, such as grouse and salmon and dogs be trained to fight European badgers for "sport". Fortunately, such barbaric practices are now banned, although they have not yet ceased altogether. Alien species such as rabbits, rats, dogs, and cats, brought by humans to new habitats, have led to the disappearance of many native species.

Moths, butterflies and some beetles, used to be highly priced by collectors.
There are more than a million of species of insects. Most animals threatened with extinction are insects or other invertebrates.

In New Zealand, rats that escaped from ships carrying European colonists killed flightless birds. Tourists can also endanger species. Hundreds of people wait on beaches of Malaya for the endangered leather-backed turtle to lay eggs. Their noise and cameras frighten and interfere with egg-laying. Remote areas such as Antarctica and Mount Everest are now regularly visited by tourists who disturb the wildlife.

The Siberian tiger is one of the most endangered species on Earth, as a result of forest clearance and hunting. There are thought to be fewer than 500 tigers left-below the minimum figure for adequate reproduction.

As more species become extinct each year, awareness has grown of the importance of preserving wildlife. Ecologists have given a new understanding of the contribution made by most species to the ecosystems in which they live. Other scientists have derived many benefits to humans to be derived from threatened species.